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Useful information for the organization of the electronic archive at company level

Electronic archiving and legal context

The legal basis regarding the electronic archiving modality on Romanian territory

  1. Law no.135/2007 regarding the archiving of documents in electronic format, republished in 2014;
  2. Law no. 16/1996 of the National Archives, republished in 2014;
  3. Instructions of the National Archives regarding the archiving activity within the elaborators and keepers of documents, approved by the management of the National Archives by the Order no. 217/1996.

Law 135/2007 establishes the legal regime applicable to the elaboration, conservation, consultation and use of the electronic format documents archived or that will be archived in an electronic archive. At the same time Law 135/2007 provides that the archival processing of the electronic format documents is carried out complying with the provisions of Law 16/1996.

As a result, even if a company decides to keep the electronic format documents in an electronic archive constituted in compliance with Law 135/2007, it must also follow the provisions of Law 16/1996 regarding the obligations of the elaborators and holders of documents related to the documents record, selection and keeping.

The storage terms of the documents in the archive are established:

This means that each company should:

TRANSFOND offers its clients electronic archiving services according to Law 135/2007, including the alignment to the requirements of Law 16/1996 and the elaboration, by request, of the inventories and receipt protocols of the documents in the electronic archive.